Little Chalfont Park Consultation Event Feb 13th
The Hill Group will be holding a third community consultation event about its development of this site on February 13th. This will be held at the Village Hall between 3.00 pm and 7.30 pm. You will be able to comment on the next set of proposals for the northern & eastern parts of the development which will be included in the next Reserved Matters Application (RMA) to be submitted in the Spring. For further information please look at the Little Chalfont Park website
First Stage Of Westwood Park Sports Courts Regeneration Completed.
The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the first stage of the work to regenerate the sports courts at Westwood Park has now been completed. This has seen:
The removal of overgrown trees and scrubs that had damaged the old utility fencing and the courts.
Old fencing being removed and replaced by new specialist sports fencing that is more robust, and which will reduce noise.
The high pressure cleaning of the playing surfaces so that existing line markings are more visible, as preparation for full repainting of lines in Spring 2025
New gated entries at both ends of each court and on the path leading up to the grass area beyond the courts.
In addition to this we have converted one of the tennis courts into two pickleball courts. This is the fastest growing participation sport in the UK, and it enables a much more diverse group of people to take part in this new form of healthy exercise. Further, details on pickleball, and how to play it, can be found on these sites.
How to get started playing Pickle Ball
Pickle Ball England
USA Pickle Ball
This new facility requires more detailed court marking work and will be ready for use in Spring 2025, when we plan to hold a special event to launch this new part of the Park.
In the meantime, the multi-use game area court( ‘The MUGA’) and the main tennis court will be available for use from Friday 20th December 2024. There will no charge for use of the tennis court until the final work on the courts is completed in April 2025.
This work is part of the Council’s long term strategy to update and improve the facilities at the Park. We have already taken soundings from groups using the pavilion and we will be publishing a short questionnaire on the PC website to enable us to gain the wider local community’s views on our plans. This will be available in January 2025, with a consultation meeting in February at the Village Hall on further development of the facilities at the Park.
Vacancies have arisen for three Councillors in Little Chalfont.
Please see attached vacancies currently available.
Council Co Option AdvertLittle Chalfont Park Liaison Group (LCPLG)
The Little Chalfont Parish Council and the Little Chalfont Community Association have formed a joint group to liaise with The Hill Team; the developers of the old golf course and Homestead Farm site, now named Little Chalfont Park. The aim of the group, known as the LCPLG, is to ensure that the voices of residents are heard throughout the planning, construction and operational phases of the Little Chalfont Park development to secure the best outcome for the community as a whole. Please see the microsite for more details about the LCPLG’s activities, dates and summaries of the meetings together with work in progress. information
Government Coronavirus advice.
NHS Coronavirus information pages.
Book, cancel or change a vaccination appointment.
Buckinghamshire Council Coronavirus support and information.
Chalfont Avenue, Little Chalfont - 12/11/2024 - 13/11/2024
Please find attached the completed TTRO application form and diversionary route for works on the Highway by Openreach Chalfont Avenue, Little Chalfont
Burtons Lane, Little Chalfont 23 Oct - 1 Nov 2024
Please find attached completed diversionary route for some emergency works undertaken by Thames Water in respect of repair burst rising main.
If you are unable to view this link please go to to view under the road and dates stated.
Burtons Lane, Little Chalfont
TTRO - Finch Lane, Little Chalfont - 09/12/24 - 12/12/24
Please find attached the completed TTRO application form and diversionary route for works on the Highway by Openreach Finch Lane, Little Chalfont
Lodge Lane, Little Chalfont - 29/10/2024
Please find attached the completed TTRO application form and diversionary route for works on the Highway by Openreach If you are unable to view this link please go to to view under the road and dates stated. Lodge Lane, Little Chalfont.
Contact us
For all enquiries or to book the Village Hall or the pitches in Westwood Park, please contact the Clerk to Little Chalfont Parish Council:
01494 76 66 55
The normal office hours are: from 9am - 12 noon Monday to Friday by appointment only. We would still suggest that the best way to contact the office is by phone or email.
Little Chalfont Parish Council in Buckinghamshire was formed from Amersham Town and Chalfont St. Giles in 2007 and is responsible for around seven thousand residents (ONS data). Click the OS Election Map link to see the Little Chalfont Parish boundaries.
To book the Village Hall and check availability or to book the Football & Cricket pitches in Westwood Park, please go to the 'Bookings' pages.
For the Council and Planning Committee meetings dates, agendas and minutes go to the Meetings page.
Reporting Issues
Go to our Links page to see who to contact about issues such as planning, potholes, street lighting, fly tipping etc.
Scam Guidance
Go to our Scam Information page to view guidance and some short videos on how to identify and avoid scams and phishing attempts.